Who Do I Coach?

ADHD High School and College Students

Do you have trouble using an agenda?

Do you get to school and find out something is due and you didn’t realize it?

Do you have a project due and don’t know where to begin?

I work with students to develop study skills and help them succeed in their educational career. Together we will build strategies that will help the student now as well as in the future. Developing these strategies can also help in building self-esteem.

ADHD Adults

Do you feel like something is holding you back from achieving what you want?

Are you always late?

Do you wish you had a more balanced life?

I work with adults to unlock their strengths and focus on their goals and dreams. We can work to stop procrastination, learn to break large projects into smaller steps, and get things done. We can strategize effective routines, plan a more balanced schedule and work towards giving you more time for what you really want. The areas of Adult ADHD coaching are numerous and each client has an individualized program based on their needs.

Parents of ADHD Children

Do you fear parent teacher meetings?

Do you feel like your house is the aftermath of a cataclysmic event?

Are you trying to figure out how to keep track of homework and activities and still get dinner on the table?

I work with parents in restoring the balance in the home. Together, we may devise an effective organizational tools to keep track of all family members’ schedules. We may focus on how to communicate with an ADHD child and what that child may be going through. We may formulate what kids of skills your child needs to develop and how you can help. We may focus on goals, routines and strategies to help restore the harmony in your home. Whatever your need, we will work together to find solutions.